Smartfons' harmful influence

Today I saw a short film about smartfons' harmful influence on our relationships and our mind.
I was really moved by this film.

We live in the World were people are adicted to usage of smartfons. I knew that for so long using smartfons isn't good for us but I didn't know that this can make our relationships worse. Smartfons do a lot of things instead of us makes our memory weak. People's attachment to smartfons make that everybody takes their smartfons for every meeting. I didn't realize that when I have a phone in my hand I shaw everybody that I don't care about theme.

I think that we should change our lifes  and use our smartfons as rarely as possible. If we do nothing, our lifes will be closed in smartfons.


  1. Oh, yes, we lose a lot of skills due to technology. For example, I used to remember quite a few telephone numbers and was able to remember a number someone dictated to me even if I didn't write it. Now I remember just my own number and sometimes even have a problem recalling it

  2. That's true, unfortunately we become less smart because of smartphones. We don't have to remember telephone numbers, important dates, way to grandmother and many other things. Smartphone, Wikipedia, uncle Google will tell us nearly everything. A bit scary. And that's interesting what you wrote about keeping smartphones in our hands. Maybe I should think about it when I  go somewhere with my friends.


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