Where is love in our civilization?

One day I had a very weird and sad situation. When I was going with my family to Cracow we stopped to have dinner in restauration. After we came into this restaurant and took a seat my parents and my brother and sister went to order our dinner. In this time I accidentally heard the conversation  between a man and a woman who sat next to my table. They talked about their breakup. They were very sad and one of them was crying.
I heard a lot of about divorce but it was shocking for me to hear it in reality. They were marriage and they preferred to divorce. I think that our civilization, that is the XXI century civilization, should change the purposes which it concentrates on. Now we make civilization of consumption. Maybe when we focus on other things like love, peace, relationships, philosophy, contact with nature
we will be happier. I heard that in our society 1/3 of relationships is breaking. In our life exist things more important than money, work and material goods. 


  1. I think these are two different problems: divorce on the one hand and the consumerism of our societies on the other. I'd link the rise in divorce rates to individualism, egocentrism and hedonism which are predominant trends in the society, especially among younger people.
    But remember that humans are not by nature monogamous so they will look for new partners. Not everybody and not always but they will. Are you suggesting divorce should be illegal?

  2. In my opinion it's true that consumerism of our civilization is a problem. We are too focused on money, material goods and individual success. And probably as you wrote we would be happier if we were focused on things like for example relationships. Unfortunately it's nearly impossible when we talk about whole civilization, but if we think about ourselves...why not, we should try. You started with writing about divorces. Their amount is definitely related to today lifestyle but I think it's also a result of the fact, that now it's easier to get divorce, we also get married too quickly, with man or woman we don't know very well.


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