Is independent teaching a problematic topic?

 Is It possible that teacher can teach without intruding his opinion? This is a very problamatic topic. A few days ago I read critical opinion about the film ''Dead Poets Society''. Author mainly criticized Mr. Kitting and thought that teacher intruded his own view on his lessons.
   In my opinion nobody can teach and not persuade students to his opinion. The reason is fact that people are not the machines and have their own opinions. When some people spend some time with each other, like for example students and teacher in a classroom  every day, they have to share their opinions. Teachers due to their position have influence on students. Some of them try to teach witout
intruding their opinion, others even don't try and some teachers deliberately try to influence on students.
   I also think that some of students are more exposed and other are less. It depends on personality and genes. It is the truth that most people mantality is slave mentality. I think taht it not depends on inteligence but on character. Important question is 'Should
we do something with this?'.


  1. The fact that students are young and vulnerable is exactly the reason why teachers should be very careful when presenting their own opinions, beliefs and political views. I agree that teaching people to think independently is not an easy task but this does not mean that teachers shouldn't try.


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