"My childhood was deadly. Education saved me."

In this video a woman from Africa tells about unfairness connected with role of a woman in a society.
She tells the story of her birth and about her aunt's disapointment when she saw that the baby was a girl. It shows how weak is a woman role in this society. Than she explains that another girl in family is useless, because boys  carry the family name and carry the tradition, not girls. Next she tells that it made that she started to learn and she discovered that education is a way to break a cultural restriction. She has better education than lots of men in her country  and she improved that women aren't cursed with balefulness.

I really advocate monarchy.

Regard something as something
She regards friendship as a pillar of life.

The atheists tease Catholics because they have problem with their spirit life.


  1. People might have SPIRITUAL life.
    Include the link to the video as well.


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